
Friday, January 14, 2011

Keep Breathing

I have a tendency to feel overwhelmed.

It can hit me anytime of the day - as I wake up, as I am going through my day, or even as my head hits the pillow at night.  "How am I going to manage?" It can seem as if I am drowning in a pile of "To Do's" and I can feel myself being pulled beneath the current.  

Sometimes it is the small things - laundry, the house, the kids' schedules, church commitments.  Sometimes it can be the heavy things - loss, depression, illness, conflict.

I can't tell you how many times I have been tempted to pull the covers over my head and pretend that everything is ok.  If only that would work . . .  But let's be realistic. I have to keep going. So I slowly pull the covers from over my head and face the day for what it is. But I am not without Hope.

I have learned that I can trust God in all things (even when my emotions get the best of me) I may not know the answer but He does.  I can trust him. I just have to keep breathing - keep trusting - and keeping crawling out from beneath the covers to embrace the day. 

The amazing thing is that when my emotions come in line with God's Word and His perspective I no longer feel overwhelmed. Instead of drowning, I can float along with the current and enjoy the view along the way.

There is a compelling song by Kerri Roberts that speaks to this very struggle. "Keep Breathing" 

Listen and be encouraged.


  1. Christy,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts through your new "blog". I admit, sometimes, I too want to crawl under the covers and never come out. I must remember to keep breathing...sometimes one breath at a time. God always seems to carry me with each inhale, then exhale and it always seems to get a little easier.
    Miss you!
    Sherri Jordan

  2. I love Kerrie Roberts! And this song has been on my heart all day. Then I came to your blog. Like a little confirmation to my overwhelmed heart. Thanks and Great job!

  3. So glad this song has ministered to you as it has to me! My mom has been in the hospital this past week and to say the least it has been a hectic week. There were many drives to and from the hospital where I would listen to this song and remind myself to slow down and breathe.
